Fast Convergent Ali Baba and Forty Thieves Algorithm for Inverse Kinematic Solution of 7-DOF Robotic Manipulator
Inverse kinematics is a crucial topic in robotics, enabling robots to calculate the joint angles required to achieve the desired end effector position and orientation. Solving the inverse kinematics problem quickly with high accuracy is vital for robot manipulators. If sufficient speed is provided, the real-time motion planning task of robot manipulators can be achieved. Real-time motion planning of complex robot manipulators is not possible with classical mathematical methods. Overcoming this problem will provide many benefits in the design and control of robot manipulators. In contemporary research, metaheuristic approaches have become widely employed for addressing the inverse kinematics problem. This investigation utilizes the efficient and simple Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves (AFT) algorithm to resolve the inverse kinematics problem. To increase convergence speed of AFT, a parameter has been used in early iterations of the algorithm to prevent thieves from randomly searching within the search area to find Ali Baba when they realized they had been deceived. Additionally, an approach has been proposed regarding the accuracy of the information brought by the Marjaneh. Finally, the inverse kinematics solution of the 7-DOF robot manipulator was carried out comparatively.
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